Franz Central

Family & Friends
Archive & Links
Contact Information

Site Purpose

This web site is designed as a clearinghouse for members of the Franz Family to share information, photos, etc. with their family and friends.  It is an experimental website, and will likely change as time progresses.  Each of the Franz Kids has their own website, and this site will also provide links to those locations as well as other points of interest.

What's  New

bulletObtained the Domain Name for - August 2005
bulletSetup this site- November 4, 05

Upcoming Events

bulletNovember 11 - David's 10th Birthday.
bulletDecember 14 - William will take his BEI Proficiency test for Certification as a Level 1 Interpreter.
bulletmore ...

Home | Family & Friends | Events | Archive & Links | Search | Discussions | Contact Information

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Last updated: 11/05/05.